Monday, May 8, 2017

Consumer Insight/Just Ask Why

Consumer Insight/Just Ask Why
This may have been sparked by a perceived challenge to my firm conviction that music fans prefer musicians who make music over musicians who make money and by the ongoing problem of violence in my personal environment.

Welcome, conscientious citizens. It's time for another enlightening installment of Consumer Insight, where we share the kind of information that could destroy our full-of-shit economy. Today our focus will be on television news, a commercial product like any other, which many mistake for a reliable information source.

Because you are probably tired from working all day by the time you get in front of your TV to watch the news, you may be incapable of putting the extra effort into analyzing the reports which are being spoon fed to you. The networks count on this and typically present their news in a form that falls short of telling the whole story, quite often with the effect of steering you away from the appropriate reaction. You may still gather truth from these reports, as long as you are distrustful enough to ask the question, why?.

Let's consider a news report of a company which boasts profits. Why are they boasting? Boasting smacks of insecurity. A rich man doesn't need to boast of his success unless it has come into question. So a news report which boasts of a company's profits may actually be telling you the very opposite, that the company is losing money and possibly even on the verge of bankruptcy, as was the case with the media supported ENRON.

Is a protest receiving attention? How many millions marched against the last war and were dismissed by the media? That's what happens when a protest disagrees with the establishment. So why would a protest be receiving attention now? Why, because it agrees with the designs of the establishment! If the establishment wants to stop spending money on expensive jails, for instance, and dump violent criminals on the poor and unemployed to scare workers into keeping their jobs, then a protest which champions the human rights of inmates will receive media support to make such a move look popular.

Is a foreign country flexing its military muscles in the news? Is it being depicted as a threat to world peace? Why? The answer to that is fairly obvious, it is shown as a threat to world peace in order to justify its military invasion by our armed forces. In all fairness, however, the establishment knows more than we do on these matters, and if they want to go to war, they likely have good reasons for it, just not quite the same reasons which are handed down to us through their news broadcasts.

That's all for Consumer Insight this time. Edgar Kreskin Junior is away at the psychic's convention and will return to this time slot by next week. Thank you for your attention and don't ask why we must invent fictitious sponsors for this program.
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© 2017. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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