Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trust Fund Tracy

Trust Fund Tracy
Tracy always had the money.

(A street corner. A car pulls over for a familiar pedestrian.)

Driver: Hey, Tracy, want to go for a drive downtown?

Tracy: That sounds like a nice idea.

Driver: Great! Hop in! (She takes the passenger seat.) I'm a little low on gas, though...

Tracy: (rolling eyes) That's all right, I can take care of it.

She offered her friends every convenience.

(Tracy's dorm. She sits at a table with friends when one of them gets up to leave.)

Friend: Does anyone want anything from the corner store?

Tracy: I'm fine, thanks.

Friend: Are you sure you couldn't use a snack? Maybe chips and pop or something? (The suggestion is eagerly supported by the others.)

Tracy: Well, if you all want it, I guess I can join you.

Friend: (checking purse) Oh oh, looks like I'm a little short...

Tracy: (rolling eyes and sighing) That's all right, I can take care of it.

But deep down, she longed to be delivered from her condition.

(Tracy chats with Stacy by the front door.)

Stacy: (holding magazine open for Tracy) It's this one here. Isn't it great?

Tracy: Yes, it's very nice. I wouldn't mind one of those, myself.

Stacy: You can use mine whenever you like.

Tracy: I can? Why, thank you, Stacy! That means a lot to me.

Stacy: Don't mention it. Friends help each other out, right? Well, I better get to my yoga class. See you later.

Tracy: Bye. (Exit Stacy. Tracy is about to turn for the stairs when she is summoned back to answer a knock on the door.) Yes?

Courier: I have a COD parcel for someone named Stacy at this address...

Finding her trust put to the test, she's Trust Fund Tracy!
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© 2007, 2017. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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