Friday, May 12, 2017

Light of Truth

Light of Truth
Good day, my brothers and sisters, and welcome to another illuminating broadcast of Light of Truth. I'm Barry Caldwell.

How do we validate gospel truth? We do so by a somewhat intuitive process that flies in the face of the empirical one favored by our courts of justice. This is because God has His own way of thinking and tends to act outside the confines of our puny logic. Take the Holy Trinity, for example. It consists of three distinctly separate persons of God which together make One person. To us, three and one are separate numbers, but to God, they are the same. As rational beings, our first impulse may be to reject this as pure nonsense, but let's not forget Who invented the universe and everything in it. If the One who created mathematics says three is one, who are we to argue with Him?

How does God impart His Word? Here again we see a contradiction of our conventional methods of mass communications. God only reveals Himself to isolated individuals. Moses was all alone on that mountain when he received the ten commandments around which all our laws have since been structured. Aside from his oddly shining countenance, his fellow Israelites had no way of telling that he'd had direct contact with the Almighty. And whence did Christ gain His miraculous insights but from a solitary stay in the harsh desert? Our ancient forbears were less skeptical about holy encounters because they had less science and more magic back in their time. When they saw a hermit returning from a mountain or a desert with far-fetched tales of providential encounters, they believed him - especially since no such thing ever happened in front of a crowd.

How do we summarize this? Very simply, when the answer to a question poses an even greater riddle, we rely on faith to fill in the blanks for us, and it is by this faith that we may ultimately be saved. And that's it for today's Light of Truth. I hope you won't let the power of darkness overtake you too much this Friday evening. Until our next broadcast, I'm Barry Caldwell saying, don't forget: the less sense it makes to us, the more sense it makes to God.
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© 2017. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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