Thursday, April 27, 2017

I Know All About It (April 27, 2017)

I Know All About It (April 27, 2017)
In the future...

Will the Son of Man return? No, because he already did. The Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with the angels? That's what Constantine saw way back in the fourth century. I know all about it. Christ has already conquered the globe and has been waiting patiently for us to catch on. And don't worry about his extension into the age of Aquarius. That's what he was trying to tell us by walking on water.

Will we find people elsewhere in the universe? Yes, on planets circling suns of our intensity, with hollow artificial spheres like our moon orbiting them at perfect ninety degree angles, in order to make adjustments that harmonize planetary conditions with the home world. I know all about it. As a predator species, they needed to spread our seed as widely as possible.

Are we doomed to self extinction? Not all of us. A select few have been chosen for the new underground civilization to follow our imminent global apocalypse by satellites armed with death-rays. I know all about it. People who only know how to drive a car will be toast but those who know how to build one will survive to breed.

Those are my three insights for the moment. Guess I should get back to my internal combustion engine now and change those pistons. Until next time, I'm Edgar Kreskin Junior saying, don't think too long about humanity or you may reach the dead end conclusion that our ultimate purpose is to give rise to a bacteria even more deadly than ourselves.
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© 2017. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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